973 Country Code – Bahrain – 00973

973 is the country code for Bahrain.

Manama is the capital city of Bahrain.

How to Call Bahrain from Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

To call a telephone number in Bahrain from Dubai (United Arab Emirates):

  • Dial the international call prefix. For calls from Dubai (United Arab Emirates), this is 00 (or '+' from mobile phones).
  • Dial the country code for Bahrain - 973.
  • Dial the subscriber number.

Landlines in Bahrain

Landline/fixed telephone numbers in Bahrain are 8 digits long. They begin with 1 or 7 e.g. 1XXXXXXX.

To call a number in Bahrain from overseas, dial the international call prefix (00/+), the country code for Bahrain (973), then the subscriber number e.g. 00-973-1XXXXXXX or +973-1XXXXXXX.

Mobile Telephone Numbers in Bahrain

Mobile phone numbers in Bahrain are 8 digits long and begin with 3 e.g. 3XXXXXXX.

To call a mobile phone number in Bahrain from overseas, dial the international exit call prefix (00/+), the Bahrain country code (973), and then the subscriber number e.g. 00-973-3XXXXXXX or +973-3XXXXXXX.

00973 +973 Bahrain Country Code
00973 +973 Bahrain Country Code

Time Difference

When making a telephone call to Bahrain from the United Arab Emirates, please be aware of the time difference between the UAE and Bahrain.

The time now in Bahrain is . The date is .

The time right now in the United Arab Emirates is . The date is .

The time difference between Bahrain and UAE is 1 hour.

Exchange Rate

The currency used in Bahrain is the Bahraini dinar (BHD).

Current exchange rates between the Bahraini dinar and the UAE dirham (BHD to AED, AED to BHD) are:

  • 1 Bahraini dinar (BHD) = 9.75 AED
  • 1 UAE dirham (AED) = 0.1 BHD

Exchange rates on this page were last updated on .

Useful Information

Bahrain (officially the Kingdom of Bahrain) is an archipelago (group of islands) in the Persian Gulf. There is a main island and around 30 smaller islands. Bahrain is linked to Saudi Arabia by the King Fahd Causeway.

The capital and biggest city is Manama.

Islam is the official religion. The majority of Bahraini Muslims are Shiites. However Sunnis hold most government positions. The Bahraini monarchy are also Sunnis.

The economy is heavily dependent on oil and gas, but its own supplies are limited. Manama is a thriving banking and financial centre. The country also attracts a significant number of tourists, generally from Arab countries.

Approximately half the population are expatriates. The biggest group are from India.

The official language of Bahrain is Arabic. English is widely spoken. Road signs are in both Arabic and English.

According to data from the World Bank, the population of Bahrain in recent years is:

  • 2018 - 1,569,439
  • 2017 - 1,494,074
  • 2016 - 1,425,791
  • 2015 - 1,371,851
  • 2014 - 1,336,075
  • 2013 - 1,315,029
  • 2012 - 1,299,943
  • 2011 - 1,278,151
  • 2010 - 1,240,860
  • 2009 - 1,185,076
  • 2008 - 1,114,641
  • 2007 - 1,035,919
  • 2006 - 958,418
  • 2005 - 889,164
  • 2004 - 829,844
  • 2003 - 778,708
  • 2002 - 735,146
  • 2001 - 697,545
  • 2000 - 664,611
  • 1999 - 636,541
  • 1998 - 613,700

Bahrain Map

Bahrain can be seen on the map below.

Map showing location of Bahrain